Comics writer Kieron Gillen sent out his latest newsletter yesterday, which featured a line-up of his top music tracks of 2019. Gillen’s got a background as a DJ, and writes some pretty awesome music-inspired works, and his newsletter has introduced me to a bunch of music I would have overlooked.

He introduced The Comet Is Coming thusly:

People occasionally ask me about whether there’s going to be a Doctor Aphra show or not (answer: no idea) but no-one’s actually asked what I’d like to see in a Doctor Aphra show. My answer: I would like to see them back a cart of money up to The Comet Is Coming and get them to record the complete score. Listen to this. You want to watch the show this is the theme tune for. This is an explosion, a promise, all propulsion and sex. I walk, it soars, the world is better.

Newsletter 144: momentarily Manichean, Kieron Gillen

I loved his Doctor Aphra run, so…yeah. Sold. Just on the description. But then I went and tracked them down on youtube, and seriously, OH. MY. GOD.

I may have ordered CDs already. Because I am terrifyingly behind the times in that regard.

You should subscribe to Gillen’s newsletter, BTW. Even if you’re not a comics fan. I followed him this way for a year or so, before I started engaging with his work, and he’s invariably introduced me to interesting things every week.

This has been your Friday Morning community service announcement.

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