I opened up for Freelance Cover Design Work last week because our cat had an unexpected vet visit and it wiped out my emergencies fund. However, with my small business grant running out towards the end of October, I’m also preparing to open up a few more side-hustles to keep things afloat while I’m looking for a new day-job and keeping Brain Jar Press running.

Which brings us to the secondary side-hustle on the design front: pre-made book covers folks can pick up slightly cheaper than getting me to design stuff from scratch.

The proper launch for this will likely come in October, when I’ve had time to set up a proper web store to streamline the buying process and built up a decent catalogue (the aim is about 5-to-6 covers for each genre I want to cover at time of launch). Meanwhile, here’s the preview gallery of what’s coming:

Like I said, the full store is coming in October. However, given the vet visit and impending shift to freelancing, I’m totally open to selling these ahead of the store going live. If you want one, drop me an email with the title you want and formats needed (ebook only/ ebook and print) and I’ll invoice you once we update the design with your title, name, and details. The process will usually take 48 hours or so. Prices are $60 for an ebook only file, and $210 if you want it converted for a print book through Ingram Spark or KDP print.

Like a cover but don’t have a book ready to go with it? Buy it now and let me know you’re keeping it for a future book in the email — I’ll pull it from sale and keep the cover on file until you’re ready for it.

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