OUT NOW: One Last First Date Before The End Of The World

What do you do when your date tells you Ragnarök starts next Tuesday?

Logan expected his date with Stina Lorne to be a disaster, quickly ending after dinner when they acknowledged she was out of his league. Instead they went for a long drive, then a walk along a familiar beach. In fact, everything seems to be going better than Logan could have imagined when he asked her out last week.

Sure, his date is convinced she’s the descendant of Fenrir, demon wolf of Asgard. And yeah, she’s talking about the apocalypse kicking off in the near future. Logan’s not sure that matters, yeah? After all, nobody’s perfect, and even the best relationships take work.

One Last First Date Before The End Of The World is the fourth release in the Short Fiction Lab series from Brain Jar Press. This experiment has been filed under: mythic fantasy, first dates, the day before the apocalypse, and slipstream romance stories.  

Available now in Kindle (Aus | UK | USA), Kobo, and other great bookstores.

This release is on sale for the remainder of the week, giving you the opportunity to pick it up for 99 cents US. Come Sunday, it’ll be joining the rest of the Short Fiction Lab line at $2.99.

And with that, I’m off to drink coffee and write new words.

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