I winnowed my inbox down to nothing yesterday, and the damn thing crept up to 19 overnight. Unfortunately, my email program has decided to play silly buggers and refuses to delete anything unless I mirror the inbox from my phone and do everything in basic HTML

Fortunately, Gmail has a “my internet is ass and I’m basically on dailup” version of its interface for just this situation.

But it makes me wonder what folks will actually do in Australia in the unlikely event we do get locked down on a two-week quarantine. Our internet is vaguely shit at the best of times–last year, we could tell when new episodes of Game of Thrones started because our connection ground to a halt.

I do not think it’s built for the number of folks who may be asked to telecommute, entertain themselves, and generally search out important information if a mass lockdown actually happens.

It almost makes my pile of unread books feel like a virtue, you know?

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