For the last month or so we’ve been re-arranging our apartment, looking for more efficient ways of using the limited amount of space. Part of this has been setting up a work nook for me to write at–a place where there’s a clear signal that I’m doing focused work rather than just tooling around on the internet or tinkering with book covers. 

This particular nook of the apartment used to be our linen closet, although the closet was an old TV cabinet. That’s now out in the lounge room, housing the TV (which used to sit on top of the book case to the left, while the DVD player and associated tech sat on the current laptop desk).

This isn’t the work nook’s final form–long-term there will probably be a smaller desk so I don’t hunch over quite so much while typing and enough space for a mouse–but a lot of this week will be devoted to bedding in the habits related to this space. 

On the other hand, I’m working in the shadow of Castle Greyskull, which feels…appropriate….for the current work in progress. 

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