Today is wet and dreary and therefore full of awesome. I’m always far fonder of the world when it’s overcast and dreary than I am during the sunny days, especially now that it’s spring and the demolition-force humidity and heat of Summer are just on the horizon. I am steadily ignoring the fact that there are multiple breeds of football dominating the airwaves at the moment and pretending the rest of the world has gone away for a while. It’s always easier to write on such days, although I’ll admit that I miss the comfort of having another cup of coffee and watching the world through my office window.

Soon I will head off and make myself some soup.

Until then I will sit and think about Claw, which is proving to be unruly and hard-to-tame due to my insistence on a) not repeating the opening tropes that were used in Horn and Claw; and b) my desire to make use of the supporting cast from the previous two novellas, thus adding to the already considerable backstory-baggage that Aster already carries around with her. I try to calm myself with the thought that it will all be okay once the first corpse is onstage, but this is a lie. Once the corpse arrives, I will simply have a different set of narrative problems to puzzle my way through. And if I write another 400 words on Claw this evening, I can spend a few hours thinking about Black Candy and getting a thousand words done on that. After which, if I’m lucky, I’ll have time to get some short story work done before I slumber.

And really, this is the way days should be.

Although I wouldn’t complain if I started figuring out how to make these stories and novellas and novels work a little faster.
Current Writing Metrics

Consecutive Days Writing (500+ words): 1
New Short Stories Sent Into the Wild: 10/30
Rejections in 2010: 21/100
Claw Word Count (Finish Date: 15th November)

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