I posted this to Facebook four years ago, when some folks who refused to acknowledge systemic bias decried any suggestion there might be an element of racism in their actions.

Computers have evolved since the seventies and eighties. Cars have evolved, banking has evolved, food has evolved. Your iPhone is a very different beast than it was when they launched back in 2007

Practically every damn thing in your life is different than it was when you first encountered it. The technology progressed. You adapted.

This is why I am fundamentally confused by the fuckers who insist that the definition of feminism and racism they learned in 1984 is basically consistent with the way the word is used today.

Things change. You keep up. If you can figure out how to use a goddamn cell phone without seeming like a dinosaur, you can figure out how to keep up with the conversations around sexism, racism, and other forms of cultural oppression.

It’s still true.

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