If You Need Me, I’ll Be In My Bunk (Typing Words)

So, I’m hanging out the Gone Fishing shingle again.

Gone Fishing

I set out to write 25,000 words on my five days off last week. My total was closer to 20,000, which means there’s still a ways to go if I want to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat this month and hit my 50k total. I have to write 3,750 words a day for the last four days of April and I’m golden.

This is not impossible. Not easy, but not impossible, especially if I put my head down and refuse to look at the internet/go see the Avengers/get distracted by wrestling between now and Thursday. To this end, I will probably listen to my favourite hit the fucking deadline song on repeat:

I’ll see you all next week.

Peace out.

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