So back in 2010 I get an email from Alisa over at Twelfth Planet  sent me an email that said, in effect, there’s some people making a TV show that’d like to use a couple of TPP books as background props.  Apparently there are contracts that needed to be signed when this kind of thing happens, which is one of those things about making television that I never really thought about, and I was being given a heads up that the permission had been granted and there was some kind of TV show which may or may not use Horn and a bunch of other Australian small press books in the background.

This was two days after my dad’s heart attack, so I mostly nodded and made sure there was nothing I needed to be doing and went back to fretting and coping with the fact that my dad was due for open heart surgery in a few days time. Like everything else that happened about that time, it kind of slipped my mind.

Today I discovered the TV show in question was actually Outland, and for the next week, if you hie yourself over to iView and watch the second episode, you can spot a copy of Horn being picked up and flicked through by Fab at about the 4:16 mark. A blink and you’ll miss it moment to be sure – I know, because I totally missed its presence in the episode until Narrelle Harris tweeted this photo in which Horn is tucked behind her book The Opposite of Life (which is, incidental, one of the most charming vampire stories I’ve ever read, and I read a lot of vampire stories).

Even without cameo’s of books I either wrote or seriously enjoyed, the second episode of Outland was all kinds of brilliant and, seriously, go fucking watch it, ’cause there’s only six episodes in this season and I really want there to be another one. If you’re trying to figure out why, I recommend checking out the Open Thread about the first two episodes over on Horden About Town where they discuss some of the meta-textual jokes that even I, in my nerdiness, managed to miss the first time around (I mean, seriously, how did I miss the wheelchair thing?).


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