When I moved in with my partner, I moved in with a pair of guinea pigs. For a while this felt like a considerably bigger deal that living with another person, as I’m generally not a pet person and never really wanted to be.

My partner specifically adopted boars when she decided to live with guinea pigs, since they’re harder to find homes for than females pigs. The current two don’t get along well–when spending time in the same pen they’ll get into an ongoing contest for territory–but guinea pigs are social creatures, which means they like being able to talk to one-another so long as there’s a fence between them.

They’re also ravenous little buggers, prone to wheeking for snacks and demanding attention the moment you walk into the room.

On the days when I work from home, I walk into that room an awful lot.  Which probably explains a good chunk of my instagram over the last twelve months.

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