Apocalypse Ink Productions–the fine folks who published the Flotsam series–will be shifting their focus in 2019. They recently made the public announcement on their google group:

Apocalypse Ink Productions will be changing focus in 2019. We will no longer be publishing books by other authors, instead we will focus on books written by Jennifer Brozek and her collaborations. Our current publications will be available until March of 2019, so you still have time to pick up copies of your favorite series. But after March, all titles will be released back to the authors.

News over at Apocalypse Ink Announcements

As a writer who knows a whole bunch of writers, I’ve occasionally been privy to those conversations where we gather around and talk about our experiences with small presses.

Most of us love the small presses we work with, but there’s always the little hiccups that irritate the hell out of us–by virtue of being a small press, there’s usually a small team of one or two people working part-time (at best) and only so many hours to get everything done. Inevitably, some of the things you’re hoping will to pass fall by the wayside.

Often–and most irritatingly–the things that suffer most are communication (small press editors are overworked and doing a dozen things with little help) and updates about how things are going after the initial month or two of a new release is past.

Apocalypse Ink were frequently my favourite press to work with in this regard, because they killed it on the communication front–I got updates on major moves or changes with plenty of notice (including this one), royalty statements like clockwork (a bigger rarity than you’d think), and kept their backlist active on social media. 

In short, they’ve been one of my favourite small presses to work with, and while “our founder has too much of her own writing to do these days” is a damned good reason for a small press to contract their business model, I’m still a little sad that my books with them will be winding down. 

You’ve still got about four months left to pick up a copy of Exile, Frost, Crusade, or the print edition of the Flotsam omnibus with the incredibly sexy Mark Ferrari cover posted above. 

Will these books become available again? Probably–the world is set up for leveraging available rights these days, and Brain Jar Press is sitting right there for exactly this kind of thing. But my schedule is already packed between now and March, and 2019 is going to be a tight year all around–it’s unlikely I’ll get them re-released in the first half of the year, and the book definitely won’t be as pretty. 

It’s a much safer bet to pick them up while you can, if the idea of hardboiled supernatural assassins and Ragnarok on the Gold Coast sounds like your kind of thing. 

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