We recently started watching Glee for the first time here in Camp Brain Jar. It’s not a choice I expected to fall into, given my dislike of the musical as a format and my partner’s dislike of autotune, but I was lured in by some smart writing, some really sly dialogue in the opening episodes, and their ability to sidestep the thing that I dislike about musicals for the first half of a season (to whit: everyone verbalising internal states through song, rupturing my feeling of verisimilitude).

Also, Harry Shum Jr, who is the best part of the Shadowhunters TV series and criminally underused as a back-up dancer here.

Of course, now we’re in the second half of season one and the musical conventions are seeping through a lot more often. I’ve grumped through the last two episodes, which have been very music-heavy and very light on plot as they work to get the conflicts for the second half of the season in place.

It’s interesting, given my thesis topic, because we’re at the point where they spending goodwill they’ve earned without building up much to replace it.


I’m off to do another read-through and proof of A White Cross Beside A Lonely Road this morning, followed by an hour of feeding our poor, sick guinea pig critical care so he’ll keep his nutrients up.

The classic goth playlist is on high rotation and I’ve reeled across the lounge room to Bela Lugosi’s Dead to wake myself up.

With luck, the afternoon will be devoted to getting some word-count done on the thesis and creative project du jour.

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