BIG THINGS ACHIEVED THIS WEEK: Aside from the release of The Early Experiments (available now, but free for all newsletter subscribers), this week’s achievements have largely been progress on projects-where-I-would-oridinarily-drag-my-feet. The short-list looks like this:

  • I wrote a good chunk of my conference paper and started condensing the research into a formatted argument
  • I wrote the advertising copy for a pair of short-story reprints I’m releasing as stand-alone reads for people who want to get a taste of my fiction
  • I put together a whole new newsletter on-boarding sequence and did a forward plan for how that will change over time. 
  • Designed four seperate covers for upcoming projects, including next year’s Warhol Sleeping release. 

Not the sort of thing that sounds exciting, but they’re projects where I risk showing my ask as an amateur, which means they’re ordinarily delayed. 

CURRENT STATUS OF WARHOL SLEEPING: Stuck on a thorny bit of the final act, bridging towards the final stretch. I’ve done something in the previous scene that isn’t sitting right, which means I need to figure out whether the fix is going back and fleshing out earlier scenes to justify the current one or making a different decision. 

CURRENT LISTENING: Lover, You Don’t Treat Me No Good No More by Sonia Dada. Coles Radio has been bringing the ear-worms of my youth in recent week, which I suspect is a sign that I’m officially middle-aged. 

CURRENT READING: 1000 Yards, Mark Dawson. 

BEST SCREEN MEDIA OF THE WEEK: The most recent episode of Doctor Who, which is one of the best they’ve released in the current season. 

EMAIL INBOX STATUS: 32. Including a whole bunch that came in this morning, and need to be culled. 

WHAT AM I LOOKING FORWARD TOO RIGHT NOW?: I’m starting to populate my bullet journal for 2019, as I’m working through the final 31 pages in my current notebook. There is a very nerdy part of me that’s extraordinarily pleased with my timing. 

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