Brisbane is bracing itself for the worst flooding the citiy’s seen in over a century, and it appears the worst of it will hit around 4 AM tomorrow morning. While I live in one of the affected suburbs, it kinda looks like I may be up high enough to avoid the worst of the waters. Roads may be cut off, but I should stay safe and dry (and if not, well, I’m ready to run for higher ground and there’s plenty of it around).

I went to go take some photographs of the local creek (which, until yesterday, I always thought of as a particularly ambitiuos bit of drainage system rather than an established body of water), but was promplty stymied by water covering part of the road about 300 m from my house. Since I wasn’t in the mood to wade, and the local traffic makes dashing onto the road itself rather stupid, I’ll instead send you over to see Angela Slatter’s images of the local hood.

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