Cool Thing the First: I recently discovered that the StoneSkin Press webstore is live, which means you should now be able to pick up copies of The Lion and the Aardvark: Aesop’s Modern Fables if you live in places like the US or Australia or, hell, I’m assuming you’re pretty much anywhere the internet reaches.

There’s only a handful of times I’ve been really excited to work with an editor and, as I noted quite effusively last year,  this project was one of them. Robin Laws is one of those writer/editor/creative types whose work effectively crosses many areas of interest, and I was a long-time fan of his frighteningly smart observations about RPG gaming as a younger lad.

Cool Thing the Second: The Buzzcocks are Touring Australia in April. I’m not sure I can truly explain why this makes me happy, beyond pointing out that Have You Ever Fallen In Love with Someone (You Shouldn’t Have Fallen In Love With) was one of those songs that I listened to obsessively for about a decade. It still leaves me all a-tingle when it comes on the radio when I’m not really expecting it, and it still makes me smile whenever I track down the CD and put on the stereo. It’s one of those songs that stayed with me for a long time.

I’ll exercise some self-restraint and not span the rest of this post with other Buzzcocks songs I’ve loved. Or even the cover versions of Buzzcocks songs I’ve loved (although Kiley Gaffney’s cover of Orgasm Addict remains a personal favourite).

I both want to go to this concert and fear it a little, in that please don’t be sad, please still be awesome kind of way. I expect the deciding factor will be finding other people who are interested in coming along, since I no longer keep in contact with the concert-going peeps of my youth.

If anyone’s interested in being my gig-buddy come April, let me know.

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