Everything is Better After Paper Lanterns

I wrote a different post earlier today, but it appears that wordpress ate it and refuses to give it back, so you miss out on my moments of wit regarding the hazards of sleeping with a CPAP machine while you have a head cold (here’s a hint: ew).

Now it’s later in the day and instead of catching up on some pretty miserable stuff, I’m back from a quick trip into the city where I shopped at Pulp Fiction bookstore, perused the Night Noodle Markets at South Bank, ate Pumpkin Pie at the South Side Diner, and went to see Ant Man.

The Noodle Markets broke out the pretty for me. Case in point:

Hanging Lanterns

Ant-Man was far better than a movie about Ant-Man should have been, especially given the departure of Edgar Wright from the project. And while a lot of people talk about seeing the Wright-isms in the film, I think that takes a lot away from replacement director Petyon Reed’s contributions.

Reeds not as obviously stylized in his approach as Wright would have been, but he’s done some pretty solid work. You can see echoes of the man who delivered Bring It On in Ant-Man, and he’s not entirely without an aesthetic approach to cinema. Given a solid script, he produces good work. Given a not-so-solid script, he’ll at least produce something interesting.

I’m with pretty much everyone who would have liked to see Evangeline Lily’s Wasp a feature of the film, rather than a quiet extra that’s tagged at the end.

Back to writing now. One novelette draft finished and in need of editing, courtesy of a hardcore writing stint with Meg Vann earlier today. One novelette draft yet to be finished. A small pile of work for Altered standing by, waiting for a stretch of time where it can get my full focus. Four days until the end of the month, when I can finally collapse in a pile.

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