Counting Down the Days Until Crusade

We’re two or three days away from the launch of Crusade, the third book in the Flotsam novella series. The following appeared on the Apocalypse Ink blog a few days back, along with the launch date and blurb:

Crusade Cover

Damn, I like that cover.

I’d be talking about this being the end of Flotsam and my time with Keith Murphy for a stretch, but I’ve got at least one more short-story to finish before the end of July, along with a handful of other deadlines which keep crowded together in my head, reminding me that they’re due very soon and perhaps I should be working on this other idea a little more, given it’s deadline is also very close.

Work is another whole passel of deadlines coming due, thought fortunately they’re not all on my end. We’ve formally put out the call for people interested in being part of the GenreCon program in October, with the July 31 the deadline for expressions of interest (we put the program together in early August).

You should volunteer, if you’re coming along. LET ME MAKE USE OF YOUR AWESOME.


I’ve just turned off the Goth Playlist on youtube that’s been my background music all evening so I can listen to the Lovecraft Ezine’s Vodcast featuring an interview with Angela Slatter. Largely because she described it like this on her blog:

we talked about a lot of stuff including: being Accidentally Lovecraftian; fairy tales and their influence; advice for new writers; how reading Caitlín Rebekah Kiernan’s work is like drinking a wonderfully strange alcoholic beverage; and the Tale of the Plushy Badgers.

and that is perhaps the most excellent description of reading Caitlin Kiernan’s work that I’ve come across.

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