The Sunday Circle: What Are You Working On This Week?

Well, it’s here. Not just Sunday, where I ask all my fellow creative-types about their goals and inspirations for the coming week, but the holiday season where getting stuff done around the parties and family gatherings becomes a monolithic task. Personally, my war on Christmas is all about carving out writing time amid the goddamn […]

Eight Topics I’m Obsessed With At the Moment

The things I am most obsessed about tend to influence the content on this blog in strange ways. I never set out to blog about them specifically, but they colour every interaction I have with other people, and it is frequently a question or idea that someone else puts out there that sparks a moment […]

Morning Shift

So this is pretty much how my morning went: Peter gets up fifteen minutes before his alarm goes off at 6:00 am Peter sits down to write a half-hour ahead off schedule Peter finishes the 1,300 goal he set for his morning writing shift forty-five minutes early. Peter wombles around the internet for ten minutes, […]

25/25/25 at Queensland Writers Centre

So let’s be clear: I work for Queensland Writers Centre. I’ve been there since mid-2011. I’m also a member of Queensland Writers Centre, and have been since some time in the mid-nineties. I think it’s an important support mechanism for Queensland writers, but I can, understandably, be accused of bias. To mark the 25th Anniversary […]

Is Thumbalina Size 10 on a Wednesday?

Two hours at the keyboard this morning; 784 words written on Frost. Not quite the level of productivity I’m hoping for from this routine, but there’s a level of exponential growth happening as I settle in. If I can jam out a thousand words on Friday (aka my only remaining day this week that gets […]