A New Story! Cheap Novellas! Crazy Writing Plans! EXCLAMATION MARKS!

ZOMBIE STORIES I had a new story out at the start of November. The folks behind the mobile/tablet game Dead End Alley commissioned a bunch of Australian horror writers to put together a micro-fiction based on the prompt: A blind alley, a swarm of hungry zombies, a chainsaw, and you. What could possibly go wrong? […]

Gone Fishin’

  SO HERE’S THE THING I’m still getting the hang of this writing, blogging, and working thing. And I still haven’t quite gotten to the point where it’s sustainable when I’m writing, blogging, working, and recovering from illness. I’m still getting knocked around by the throat infection, feeling exhausted, doing that thing where I fall […]

Exile: Now Available

“They found me in the Hard Rock. Thursday night, a little after ten. A good crowd for a Thursday, all things considered. Lots of girls with inscrutable, backpacker accents clustered around the bar. Plenty more heading up the stairs, attracted by the cover band’s caterwaul. Blondes, natural and peroxide; a Gold Coast epidemic. Exposed skin, […]

Recent Publications in Daily SF and Coins of Chaos

So these my published stories, much like buses, tend to come along all at once after a very long period of silence. Also, much like buses, I have a tendency to get distracted by shiny things and miss them when they come along, which means I’m left to chase along behind and arrive places very, […]

Checking In

Back from Europe (which was awesome, except for the bits that weren’t). Back at work. Writing my last workshop of the year, THE SUBMISSION CRASH COURSE, which will be running at QWC this Sunday (spaces still available). Once that’s done, I have to go find a new place to live. And, you know, move. And […]

A Call for Reader Questions: Dancing Monkey 2013

If you fire up the time-machine and travel back to August of 2012, you’ll notice that about this time of year my life gets increasingly hectic. Weekends that used to be free for writing and bloggery get siphoned up by Writers Festivals, Conferences, and other work-related things. I start spending more time in airports than […]

Man Versus Bear

You may notice some changes going on with the website this week. I’ve added a new title – Man Versus Bear – and finally changed the subtitle away from the description of writer, gamer, and angry nerd that’s been sitting at the top of the page for a long stretch. Partially this is a response […]

The Mammoth Book of Angels and Demons

I forgot I had a story in The Mammoth Book of Angels and Demons. When the author copies appeared in my PO Box last week, I opened up the package and blinked at the two books inside for a while wondering why the hell I’d ordered a duplicate. This shouldn’t be taken as a reflection on […]

4 Things: GenreCon, Novella Diary, Upcoming Workshop, A Reminder

NEW GENRECON GUESTS Wait up, I’m going to deploy the banner, ’cause I *really* love our banner this year: We made some pretty big announcements over on the GenreCon site yesterday, all in the form of names being added to the conference guest list. I won’t belabour the point here, except to just post some […]

The Anatomy of a Blog Post in 1200 words or Less

This blog post is written to support a piece of my Year of the Author Platform workshop that’s running for Queensland Writers Centre today, breaking down the anatomy of an individual blog post for the participants. However, since I’m a waste-not, want-not kind of guy, I’m sharing it here in case anyone else gets some […]

Whispers: Tooth and Nail

  On Saturday, May 11, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, I’ll be at QWC’s monthly Whispers reading event at the State Library of Queensland Cafe. This isn’t exactly unusual – Whispers has been a regular part of my calendar since it started – but this time around I’ll be there in an official writer capacity where I get to do the reading thing. I’ll […]

Conflux Panels

I’m off to Conflux down in Canberra over the weekend. I’ll be on a couple of panels over the weekend, handily summed up as follows: Guest of Honour Marc Gascoigne, interviewed by Peter Ball, 2:30 – 3:30pm, Friday 26th April The business side of writing, 5.00-5.55pm, Friday 26 April Putting the heart into superheroes, 10.00-10.55am, […]