
I’m trying to buy an apartment this year. I’m not terribly good at it. I can find places I quite like in locations I’d enjoy living, but the response I get when consulting with expert is basically the equivalent of a warning siren and the robot from Lost in Space flailing its arms in a […]

2014 is Going to Hurt

I saw my flatmate in the kitchen this morning. For many people, this isn’t really notable. They probably see their flatmates every morning. For me, it’s a rarity. My flatmate gets up early. Seriously early. He’s usually on his way to work by the time I roll out of bed at 7:30 AM and start […]

Top Ten Posts on Man vs. Bear in 2013

Last year, when accurate visitor data was still a shiny new concept around these parts, I went and looked at the posts that had achieved the most visitors over 2012. It proved to be an interesting exercise, so this year I’m expanding it to look at the top ten. In order of visits, the most […]

Help Wanted: Writing and Travelling

This time next week, I’ll be on flight to England, wending my way towards the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton. There’s a lot of Australian folks doing that at the moment. I’d wonder how Brighton is going to cope, if it weren’t for the fact that England seems to be overrun by Australians as a […]


The text message hits after ten PM, but I answer it ’cause I’m still awake and ’cause that’s what I do. It says, pub?, and I’m all, hell yes, but instead I text back about putting on clothes, ’cause I’m in bed, in my pajamas, just futzing around on the internet, and the possibility of […]


There’s this window in my office that looks out over the breezeway, and every day I come in and stare at it and wonder how hard it’d be to break the big panes of glass with an office chair tossed from the vicinity of my desk. I know how this sounds, ’cause I mentioned it […]


All my friends keep moving to Melbourne and I do not. I find this kinda tiring, ’cause I’m not the kind of guy who makes new friends easily. I make new acquaintances. I’m good at new acquaintances. Making friends is harder. I don’t like to impose on people, especially now we’re in our thirties. I […]

Unicorns, on my Feet

So I showed up for write-club today and these were waiting for me: And now I am home and wearing them and, really, the world should beware, for there is nothing more terrifying than a chap wearing unicorns on his feet (because I am classy, I haven’t yet taken off my socks). They do feel, […]

Saturday Morning

It’s Saturday and I have spent the morning in bed, reading books. The great curse of the day-job is that I don’t get to do this often enough. My narratives get consumed through moving images on screens these days, rather than on the page, ’cause television lets me multitask. Or, at least, I don’t feel […]


I have become the kind of man who wears a hoodie without apparent irony. I’d blame it on the cold snap Brisbane seems to be experiencing, but really i just like to pretend I’m a ring-wraith hunting hobbits across the Shire. I think we should all be worried about the implications of this development.


The internet is full of gloriously sexy photographs of beautiful, artfully messy bookshelves. This is not one of them.

And now we are thirty-six

And we start this post with the traditional Morning-of-my-birthday-self-portrait-that-will-cause-my-parents-to-complain-about-the-things-I-put-up-on-the-internet (except I think I kind of broke them of that habit after six years of doing this).   This year is going to be pretty low-key, even given the relatively muted standards I use to celebrate my birthday. My plan, such as it is, consists of […]