The Last Trip Home
PART ONE: THE DEAR OLD HOUSE THAT I GREW UP IN My parents are in the process of selling their house, so over Easter I went down to the Gold Coast to help move around some furniture, pick up the boxes of spare books I had stored there, and make some executive decisions about stuff […]
What I Am Doing These Days
ONE I’m reading Courtney Milan’s Unraveled at the moment, picked up courtesy of this review over on Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, and thus far it’s proving to be every big as glorious as the review promised it would be. Highly recommended if you’re the kind of person whose into Historical romance. TWO I’m at the […]
Here’s Some I Prepared Earlier
Day three of feeling under the weather, courtesy of the throat infection that laid me low on Sunday. Finally taking my doctors advice and going to bed to twelve consecutive hours, letting the panadol and amoxycillin to do their job (it wasn’t the throat ache that did me in; it was the terrifying ear-ache that woke me […]
Sick Day
So here’s the thing: I’m sick this week. Probably not the entire week, but certainly for the 48 hours where I normally write my blog posts for the week (aka The Weekend). I am lying in my bed, sweating and coughing up unpleasant substances. I am all aches and nausea. It feels like someone has […]
Tell Me About the Cool Shit You’ve Got Going On Right Now
Writers with new books out should not be trusted with blogs and social media. Every impulse you have is basically starts screaming talk about the book…talk about the book…Book! Book! Book! BOOOOOOOOOK! and you lose any real sense of scale you have about the line between promotion and…well, being a little sad. So I am going to […]
Exile, Frost, and the Return of the C’Thulhu Peeps
So, the three things I’ve got planned for my weekend. LINE-EDITING EXILE The final round of Exile proofs edits landed in my inbox this morning, confirming that I’ve more-or-less managed to patch the big ol’ story holes that were in the first submission but left in a bunch of numpty-headed mistakes that need to be fixed. […]
A Small But Important Victory
Woke up early this morning and wrote 2,000 words. Not a bad start, since I’m aiming to have the draft of Frost finished by June 9th, which means 2000 words is the minimum daily rate I need to hit in order to achieve that. After all the dramas that surrounded Exile, Frost is going in on time […]
Sunday Morning
It’s the tail end of a Sunday morning, which is as good a reason to break out the Velvet Underground as I can imagine. ‘Cause if you have heard this song before, it’s probably time to hear it again. And if you haven’t heard this song before…well. You know what to do. I spent yesterday […]
Thursday I’ve Got Friday On My Mind
So, on the plus side, I had a really good writing day today. Got up and did some early morning writing, then followed it up by joining Angela Slatter for our regular Write Club. Net result: about 2,000 words. A whole chapter of the novella done, plus half of the second one finished. On the downside, I […]
Is Thumbalina Size 10 on a Wednesday?
Two hours at the keyboard this morning; 784 words written on Frost. Not quite the level of productivity I’m hoping for from this routine, but there’s a level of exponential growth happening as I settle in. If I can jam out a thousand words on Friday (aka my only remaining day this week that gets […]
I Am Lord of All I Survey
So I bought an apartment. A brand-new, one-bedroom kinda thing in the inner-city of Brisbane, right next to the train line that’ll take me to work. Its…well, it’s definitely a thing. An exciting thing. A satisfying thing. A moderately, deeply terrifying thing. Take your pick, ’cause all of these things are accurate. On the list of things I expected from my […]
And now we are thirty-seven…
As has become traditional, I’m posting the once-a-year Birthday selfie, because no birthday is complete until my parents ring me and complain about the things I put up on the internet. Except I’ve been doing this for seven years now, so I may have broken them of the habit. We’ll see. And with that, my […]