All The Things That Excite Me This Week

This is going to be a lazy week on the writing front. For one thing, today is my last day in Melbourne. I have caught up with friends and played a good number of board games and guest-starred as Ronan the Accuser in Patrick O’Duffy’s Annihilation campaign, which means I’m still running on the endorphin […]

I’m Reserving the Right to Reverse This Decision

It’s NaNoWriMo season and the internet is awash with writing advice, much of it focused on the early stages of getting words down and belting out a first draft. At the same time, I holed up in my apartment with the lights off, illuminated by the glow of NXT playing on the WWE network, quietly […]

A Curious Thing

Ducked around to my PO Box earlier today and discovered that my contributor copies of Gods, Memes, and Monsters had arrived. And lo, it is a handsome book, once you see it in the flesh: That’s not the curious bit. This is: I have a bit of a ritual with contributor copies these days, which has […]

7 Days of Scribbling

I really did intend, when writing my last blog post, to keep using my computer for writing purposes right up until I started my writing-in-notebooks experiment on September 1st. I figured I’d finish off the projects I’d started there, keep using the notebooks for notes, ease into the idea of doing everything longhand, you know? Turns […]

Home. I sleep now.

Home again, after four days of traipsing around northern Queensland. Nowhere near as wrecked as I should be, given I just spent four days delivering workshops and travelling, which may well mean the post-teaching/travel exhaustion I’ve come to expect in recent years is another one of those things that connected to the apnoea. Still, it is good […]

Everything is Better After Paper Lanterns

I wrote a different post earlier today, but it appears that wordpress ate it and refuses to give it back, so you miss out on my moments of wit regarding the hazards of sleeping with a CPAP machine while you have a head cold (here’s a hint: ew). Now it’s later in the day and instead […]

Reprints and Trusting the Process

Writing is a funny business. Case in point: I signed a reprint contract for a short-story this morning. It’s not the first time this story has been reprinted (and, Gods willing, it won’t be the last), but this reprint means that a single story of around 7,000 words has earned me more money in the […]

Cold Snap

It’s cold in Brisbane this week and I’m not sleeping as well as I should be. Large chunks of today were spent fighting to stay focused, which is much less fun than it used to be. I’ve been watching the first season of In the Thick of It between stints at the keyboard and suddenly find […]

State of Play

I’m meant to off at a friend’s place tonight, enjoying the double-barrelled awfulness that is Avengers Grimm. Instead I’m here, in my apartment, trying to sort out a story for a deadline that crept up on me, being slightly grumpy ‘bout the fact I still don’t have hot water. I’ve been thinking ‘bout blogs, lately, […]

Morning Shift

So this is pretty much how my morning went: Peter gets up fifteen minutes before his alarm goes off at 6:00 am Peter sits down to write a half-hour ahead off schedule Peter finishes the 1,300 goal he set for his morning writing shift forty-five minutes early. Peter wombles around the internet for ten minutes, […]

Apnea Update: CPAP Ho!

So when I mentioned the sleep apnea thing back at the start of April, a whole bunch of folks were like “Get thee to a CPAP Machine.” To which I nodded sagely and said, well, yes, that’s on the list, we’re just waiting to see how bad things really are.  Last week, I took twenty-four […]


To borrow a line from L.P. Hartley: “The past is foreign country; they do things differently there.” This line has been haunting me for most of the weekend, since I was down on the Gold Coast to man a booth at Supanova and it involved seeing parts of the Gold Coast I don’t often go to. […]