Two-Bear Mambo, Joe Lansdale
It would be wrong to say that I pitched a PhD topic about series just so I’d have a legitimate reason to read Joe Lansdale’s Hap and Leonard books and call it work, but I do not know that it would be 100% inaccurate. It was cold as an Eskimo’s ass in an igloo outhouse, […]
Friday is a collection of small things
For the first time in a long time, Fridays are a day where I’m primarily writing and researching. Here are some things that have been on my mind this week. Angela Slatter launched a Patreon this morning. It’s full of shiny options for supporting her career and getting cool things in return. You know what to […]
So you’re the kind of vegetarian who only eats roses
I saw Leonard Cohen live a few years back. The concert was the same week my father had his heart attack, and I was meant to be going with my dad and my sister. Instead, my father was hospitalised and being prepared for surgery, and my sister stayed with my mum. I was encouraged to […]
Quick and Dirty Book Review: Work Clean, Dan Charnas
It took me two days to read Dan Charnas Work Clean: The Life-Changing Power of Mise-en-Place to Organise Your Work, Life, and Mind. It would have taken less time, but I had a busy weekend, which meant I was largely carving out blocks of time to read through the book as fast as possible. I […]
In Which I Go See Suicide Squad…
I went to see Suicide Squad last night. Not because I had any real hopes of it being a good movie, but because it’s a comic book film and I will end up seeing all comic book films eventually. Even the Zack Snyder one’s, which ’cause me actual pain to watch. I will watch them, […]
Love and Friendship
Love and Friendship looks like a Jane Austen film, when you first glance in its direction. This is largely because it’s based on Lady Susan, Austen’s epistolary novella that you’ve probably only read if you’re a hardcore Austen reader or someone who picked up a volume with a title like “The Complete Works of Jane […]
Gross Earthly Body
From While Not Writing A Book, in Helen Garner’s essay collection Everywhere I Look: At the health farm, fasting. I must be hallucinating: when I walk past a pile of folded towels I see them as a huge club sandwich. I present myself for reiki treatment. The woman announces that she is going to massage my aura. […]
In your face, Shakespeare, Joyce and Cervantes!
This appeared on my twitter stream this morning and, naturally, I retweeted it on account of it being awesome. But twitter is a temporary medium, and this is one of those things which deserves a bit more permanence in the this is good, go read it stakes. So…over on Letters of Note, there’s a copy of a […]
Not Hung-Over, But…
I don’t get hangovers anymore, on account of avoiding alcohol in the name of not making the sleep apnea worse than it needs to be. But there are days when I miss alcohol, and there are days when I definitely miss that mild morning-after feeling where you’re slightly seedy and aware of it and things […]
I attempted to watch Pixels last night. I was having a low day, in terms of emotional and mental capacity, and I basically turned to the nearest streaming service and said, give me the dumbest thing you’ve got, it’s all I can handle. And lo, Adam Sandler’s computer game movie appeared, and I figured, well, there is […]
John Wick
Last night I sat down and re-watched John Wick, ’cause I have this idea for a story in my head and I wanted to wrap my head around the minutia of the genre I like to call killing your way to the truth of things of which Wick is the most recent high-profile example. There are others […]
Fudgy, Cream-Filled, and High-Performance Technology
The Marvel/Audi cross-over comic appeared in my Facebook feed this week. For those who haven’t seen it yet – presumably because you haven’t yet trained the Facebook algorithm to show you the geekiest damn thing possible at any given time – the short version is this: Audi has a lot of product placement in the […]