No, Not Black Leaf!

Okay, I’ll admit it. When someone first told me there were people transforming Jack Chick’s Dark Dungeon’s screed against Dungeons and Dragons into a feature-length movie, I kinda thought there were too many people in the world with a surplus of free time on their hands. But this? This looks like fucking genius: Couple this with […]

Peeps Doing Cool Stuff: February 2014 Edition

Somewhere along the line, I got out of the habit of posting about peeps releasing cool stuff into the world. I’m not sure why, ’cause I got some pretty awesome peeps and they’re doing some very cool stuff, but my blogging habits are arbitrary these days despite my best intentions. With that in mind, lets […]

Hot for Teacher

If you looked at my buying habits, as a kid, you’d be fooled into thinking I was a huge fan of Van Halen. I owned a copy of 1984 on cassette by the age of twelve, acquired primarily ’cause I thought the smoking cherub on the cover was kinda awesome. My first CD – acquired, […]

Avril Lavigne Channeling Tank Girl? I Am Down With This Combination.

As predicted at the tail end of my Die Hard post last week, blogging service is somewhat irregular this week and we’ll be picking up on my narrative deconstruction of Bruce Willis’s greatest movie role next Tuesday. However, ’cause I love you all, and because I’m fairly sure I’m about to put together a sequence […]

For those of you needing to chill out a little this morning….

My head is full of complex thoughts today, largely on account of the increasingly mind-boggling craziness of Australian and American politics, so I find myself falling back on the search for distractions. Thus, you get a link to Kurt Kuenne’s 2007 feel-good fable, Validation, which stars T.J. Thyne (aka that guy from Bones who generally […]

Completely Gratuitous Post of Newly Acquired Shiny Thing

So I’ve got a whole bunch of work on my plate this year where the income that’s generated is basically earmarked as “paying for Peter’s travel and con expenses.” It’s the stuff that allows me to go to the UK for World Fantasy at the end of the year, to Perth for the RWA conference […]

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

So every Tuesday I get together with my flatmate and a random assortment of other people to live-tweet a trashy movie with (usually) some kind of SF-nal flavouring. We’ve been doing it for over a year now and, due to some weeks off on account of work, finally clocked up our fifty-third film when we […]

Men Without Hats

Some mornings you just need to rock this joint. Also, the eighties were fucking weird.

Bright Star

I re-watched Jane Campion’s Bright Star today. Once again I am filled with a powerful need to track down people who claim Avatar was visually interesting and punch them in the stomach. Avatar, at best, managed to put together a cinematic spectacle (and even then, I’ll argue); Bright Star, which was released at the same […]

I’m Hot and I’m Sticky Sweet…

Some days need a bit of Def Leppard. Some days do not. Today, well, it’s one of the former. Weirdly, I missed the period when Def Leppard was actually a big deal. Hysteria came out in 1987, which means I was both 9 years old and living in the middle of nowhere, far from the […]

Unicorns from Hell

Once upon a time I was obligated to know all things unicorn the moment they appeared on the internet. These days, not so much, but occasionally the world points me towards things that are truly deserving of being shared. Like this. Oh, dear god, like this. BEST UNICORN THING EVER IN THE HISTORY OF UNICORN […]

Wuthering Heights

Sometimes, my brain, I tell you. No, wait, none of that actually makes sense when it’s written as a sentence. Let me try that again. So on the way out of the house this morning, I passed my CD rack and thought to myself, you know what I feel like listening to right now? Fucking Bombtrack. […]