From a recent (re)post at Warren Ellis Ltd:

Capitalism is lately cast as that Lovecraftian force that some people should not look directly at for fear of going completely mad and being banged up in the Arkham Sanitarium. Maybe meditating upon it as some Dark God From Beyond Space that is crushing the world into new shapes just leads some people to rub their mouths on it and plead for it to go faster. And never stop.

Malign Velocities, WarrenEllisLtd

It feels like an apt description of the state of things here in the early 21st Century.


It’s morning as I write this. My partner is brewing coffee and preparing to head outside, catching a few spare minutes on the balcony before she heads off to work.

I’m writing in my pyjamas and the writing hoodie draped over my desk. I’ve been awake for far too long, but the coffee is definitely helping. My feet are cold, and it’s the last days of winter here in the Southern Hemisphere.

The traffic hasn’t started yet. The crows are singing a dawn song. We’re past the rosy tinges of sunrise, but the grey clouds muffling the city are a glorious white at the fringes closest to the horizon.

It’s a nice moment. A quiet moment. A chance to sit and be. My partner heads outside with her coffee. The morning air is cold and crisp. The sliding door moves easily, a quiet roll along the track.

I wouldn’t notice this moment, were it not for the act of blogging. I would not blog, were it not for the fact that making your living as a writer means producing work to lure in readers, transforming moments into product to be disseminated through the wide expanse of the internet.

So I take a deep breathe. Appreciate the irony. Let the moment pass and move on to the next thing–the next book, the next post, the next thought.

Iä! Iä! Capitalism fhtagn!

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