Two quick addendum’s to yesterday’s post.


My latest story, The Place Beyond the Brambles, deals with bees and mysteries and missing love, and it just went live over on the Daily Science Fiction website.

When last I saw you, my sweet, my love, you were shrunk to the size of Grandma’s thimble and plucked from the porch by the bees of the forest. We heard your cries, your wild shrieks of delight, as they carried you to the place beyond the southern brambles. Listened, after, to the silence that followed, to the empty fields and the dark shadows beneath the trees where no bee remained to hum its evening song.

You’ve been gone now a five-month, and grandma does not remember you, nor does Jordy or Cousin Ferdinand or our dear, sweet Claudette. Whatever magic was used to shrink you, to make your final exit possible, has stolen your memories from those you once deemed close as family.

I don’t write many short stories as I once did, so if you’ve been hanging out for a new, bite-sized piece of fiction from yours truly, get yourself over to the Daily SF.


Apex have just announced the table of contents for the first volume of the Best of Apex Magazine, collecting the best stories from the first 79 issues of the magazine. It’s a pretty phenomenal listing, all things considered, with one last story due to be included based on a vote by the Apex readers.

In the words of Rocket Red: hokey-smokeys, this thing looks good. The current list of stories is as follows:

  • Jackalope Wives by Ursula Vernon (Issue 56)
  • If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love by Rachel Swirsky (Issue 46)
  • The Green Book by Amal El-Mohtar (Issue 18)
  • Candy Girl by Chikodili Emelumadu (Issue 66)
  • Falling Leaves by Liz Argall (Issue 60)
  • A Matter of Shapespace by Brian Trent (Issue 51)
  • Blood from Stone by Alethea Kontis (Issue 43)
  • Sexagesimal by Katharine E.K. Duckett (Issue 40)
  • Keep Talking by Marie Vibbert (Issue 67)
  • Going Endo by Rich Larson (Issue 74)
  • Remembery Day by Sarah Pinsker (Issue 72)
  • Pocosin by Ursula Vernon (Issue 68)
  • She Gave Her Heart, He Took Her Marrow by Sam Fleming (Issue 79)
  • L’esprit de L’escalier by Peter M. Ball (Issue 16)
  • The Performance Artist by Lettie Prell (Issue 44)
  • Advertising at the End of the World by Keffy R.M. Kehrli (Issue 3)
  • Armless Maidens of the American West by Genevieve Valentine (Issue 39)
  • Blood on Beacon Hill by Russell Nichols (Issue 78)
  • Build-A-Dolly by Ken Liu (Issue 47)
  • Still Life (A Sexagesimal Fairy Tale) by Ian Tregillis (Issue 17)

Pre-orders open in a week and more details are available on the Apex website.

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