I recently opened the “unfinished drafts” section of my blog and discovered that I had 52 unfinished posts in various states of completion. Some of these resulted from dumping a quick idea using the WordPress app on my phone, little more than three of four words to be fleshed out later. Some are just a title, waiting for the post to arrive.

Some are near-complete or actually complete blog posts I never got around to posting, usually because they were a) incredibly negative, b) incredibly risky, or c) written during a week with a serious anxiety flare up and being ‘out in public’ with ideas wasn’t palatable to me.

I’ve logged all 52 titles here, from the evocative to the mundane, to give you a glimpse as a blog that might-have-been once upon a time. Reading them aloud makes for an oddly evocative prose poem, especially once you get to the last two entries.

  1. Untitled
  2. Short Fiction Friday: The Seventeen Executions of Signore Don Vashta
  3. Book Recs: Profit First
  4. Untitled
  5. Untitled
  6. Untitled
  7. Links
  8. Untitled
  9. Thesis Month
  10. The Empathy Gap and Writers In November
  11. Untitled
  12. The Holy Trinity of Process Books for Writers
  13. Untitled
  14. The Switch
  15. Holding Patterns
  16. Untitled
  17. 2018 Reading: My Favourite Reads
  18. The Uncool Influences
  19. Untitled
  20. Every Book Has Three Stories Attached (or, How To Talk About Your Writing Without Boring People)
  21. Untitled
  22. I Just Watched Kenny Omega Save Ibushi, and It’s Making Me Think About Storytelling
  23. Untitled
  24. Untitled
  25. Untitled
  26. Untitled
  27. Untitled
  28. Untitled
  29. Untitled
  30. SMAX #175: No-One Can Stop A Gang Who Can Fly
  31. RUOK Day
  32. Enid Blyton Post
  33. What Could You Get Written By The End of 2018?
  34. When Is A Series Not A Series?
  35. Untitled
  36. Hell Track Project Diary: Day Six (ish)
  37. Some Thoughts On Masters Of The Universe
  38. How To Use The Philosophy Of Circuit Training To Level Up Your Writing
  39. Ask Not What Your Readers Can Do For You
  40. Untitled
  41. Untitled
  42. Untitled
  43. The World Doesn’t Want You To Write
  44. Things You Should Be Going To In June/July If You’re In Brisbane And Into Spec Fic
  45. The World Doesn’t Want You To Read
  46. Untitled
  47. Untitled
  48. Untitled
  49. Putting Together A Monthly Plan
  50. Untitled
  51. Your Book Is Dead. Move On.
  52. I Am Surprised When Someone Reads My Work

Three unifinished drafts are from 2016, 13 from 2917, 13 from 2018, 15 from 2019, 7 from 2020, and one from 2021. My plan for the rest of week is to go through and rescue what needs rescuing, kill what needs killing, and clear the space for future work.

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