Day: April 16, 2020

Adventures in Lifestyle Hacking

Adding a Now Page

Earlier this week I launched a Now Page, based on an idea put forward by Derek Sivers about including pages about what you’re focused on right now alongside the customary About and Contact pages. Most websites have a link that says “about”. It goes to a page that tells you something about the background of this person or business. For short, people just call it an “about page”. Most websites have a link that says “contact”. It goes to a page that tells you how to contact this person or business. For short, people just call it a “contact page”. So a website with a link that says “now” goes to a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a “now page”. from about I first came across the idea on Warren Ellis’ blog, where he plumbed the flaws of the concept; namely, if you want it