Day: February 22, 2020


Phases of 2020

In my planning, this year is broken up into phases. Periods of time when all my focus bends towards a particular milestone, then pivots to spin off in a new direction once radically new focus is needed. For instance, the first stages of the year were all about preparing for my Thesis Review meeting, where I sit down with supervisors and review where I’m up to after three years of research, then determine whether I’m likely to finish my doctorate in a timely manner. It’s a phase that’s required a *lot* of dedicated work on my exegetical writing, which meant my focus hasn’t been on fiction for nearly three months now. Also a phase where I ticked boxes I’d left unticked through 2019, such as delivering a hastily conceived public presentation of my research (archived here, in all it’s flawed glory) and structuring the meta-data that goes along with the thesis. One of my supervisors suggested my exegesis could be