Day: August 9, 2019

Smart Advice from Smart People

The Horrible Space Between…

Warren Ellis is going through a run where he posts content from his late, lamented Morning.Computer site to his shiny new home. Which means I got a chance to revisit one of those posts where every writer I know feels incredibly seen: …never ask anyone who’s just finished a book if they’re happy with it, because the answer is always IT’S AWFUL MY CAREER IS OVER GET AWAY FROM ME I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEART OUT AND EAT IT IN FRONT OF YOU. There’s a terrible space between the conclusion of the copy-editing and the release of the thing where you’re convinced that it’s a rotten piece of work and you’re going to be Found Out and everything is over. You start telling the wall — because you don’t know anybody any more, because you’ve been indoors for months destroying a laptop with your crap — that if you only had another six months, if you could just