Day: May 4, 2016

Smart Advice from Smart People

Having Something to Say

So, let me clear: if you are a fan of Warren Ellis work in any way, and you have not subscribed to his email newsletter, you should fucking remedy that right fucking now. If you are a fan of smart creators doing smart things with networking tools, you should also fucking remedy that right now. If you are…look, fuck it. The man is smart. He talks about things in a smart way. Go forth. It is a surprising thing when I actually look forward to making a cup of coffee and sitting down to read an email, but I do this every week and it’s always fucking rewarding. Case in point. This is the part of the job that doesn’t get talked about a lot, not least because it’s hard to talk about, but also because it doesn’t involve Productivity and Goals and The Magic Of Writering and The Grand Statement and all that good stuff in interviews. Sure, we