Day: February 23, 2016

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Tell Me, Travel, and Hart of Dixie

ONE: TELL ME I’m over on Jennifer Brozek’s blog this morning, taking part in her Tell Me series where writers talk about their books. I’m tackling the secret origins of the Flotsam series, which involves considerably more Don Delillo quotes than you’d expect. And roughly the exact amount of Guns N’ Roses/Supernatural references. Want to know more? The post is over on TWO: COUNTING DOWN Four days until I bugger off to Adelaide to spend some quality time with the family. And the fringe festival. And Adelaide Writer’s Week. I’m there until the 4th of March, whereupon I head to Melbourne for a few days of gaming, hanging out with friends, and doing some project planning for 2017. This largely marks the one-year anniversary of being forced to acknowledge that the sleep apnea was a major problem for me, since you can’t share a hotel suite with your family without someone remarking on the fact that you stop breathing a whole