Day: June 11, 2013

Works in Progress

Make Your Content Easy to Share

Today’s post is a short-but-passionate plea to a whole bunch of bloggers out there: install some form of social media sharing on your blog. If you’re not sure what I mean, go to your blog and see if you have something like this at the base of your posts: It may not be an exact match for this, but there should be something like it. A way of linking the post you’ve just made, quickly and easily, to places like facebook, twitter, and other forms of social media. If you have it, go upon your way, my friend, for you and I have nothing further to speak of. If you don’t have it, keep reading. Personally, I don’t care what form of link salad you use. My particular preference runs towards Share This ’cause it’s what I know, but most platforms will have a bevvy of options and WordPress, at least, offers the function to anyone whose installed Jetpack (and,