Day: March 18, 2011


And Now We Are 34

Right, first things first, I give you the traditional dodgy cell-phone camera self-portrait, because no birthday is truly complete until my parents ring me and say “really, Peter, did you have to put that up on the internet?”: Of course, this probably qualifies as an improvement on last years birthday photograph, but I’ve made up for that by wearing the-hated-hawaiian-shirt-I-tricked-my-mother-into-buying and eating-unhealthy-things-that-are-not-breakfast-foods-for-breakfast and being-mildly-hangover-dammit, which should make up for that in my parent’s eyes. On the other hand, this is the first time in three years I’m suffering no physical pain on my birthday (2009 – buggered up my shoudler; 2010 – root canal) which helps things considerably, and I’m not at the primary dayjob today, which removes the major source of emotional angst from my mental landscape. To celebrate my birthday I will clean the flat, re- read Haruki Murakami’s Birthday Stories anthology, because it’s a damn good collection of fiction, then I will toddle off to teach a class on