Day: July 23, 2010


Two Scenes of Feline Idiocy

Part the first The Cat: Feed Me! Peter: There’s food in your bowl. The Cat: FEED ME! Peter: There’s food in your bowl. I just put it there. The Cat: FEED MEEEEEEE! Peter: For fucks sake. Peter picks up the cat, puts it next to the bowl. The Cat: FEEEEED M– The Cat notices the presence of food. The Cat: Oh, right. Peter: You’re an idiot, you know that? The Cat, speaking with its mouth full: FEED ME! Peter: … Peter: Ten days to go. Part the Two Peter hears a comotion outside and goes to look. Finds The Cat engaged in deadly war with a dragonfly. The Cat: Is deadly beast! I save you! Peter: Whatever floats your boat, cat, just don’t bring it in and eat it on my feet. The Cat: Die! Die! Die! The Cat whacks the dragonfly with its paw over and over. The dragonfly waits this out and flies towards the fence. The Cat: